To instantly create a stack, onboard the switches into
ExtremeCloud IQ using the
ExtremeCloud IQ mobile app. Unbox the switches, connect the
stacking/power/uplink cables, and push the
Mode button until the
lights up. Hold down the
Mode button for at least 5 seconds, until all the front-panel port
LEDs flash. The stack forms automatically, all the slots reboot, and
IQ detects the newly formed stack.

Switch Engine or
EXOS, if you are replacing a failed stack member with the same model
switch, the replacement slot is handled with the
Replace Stack
Members action. On X440-G2 /5320/5420/5520 stacks, select the
stack, and select the
Replace Stack Members action within
Utilities. Select
the member, enter the serial number, and select
Use this task to instantly configure a Switch Engine stack in ExtremeCloud IQ.
Go to .
Find the new stack in the
List and select its check box.
In the Template column, select Assign/Create
Select the Create template based on currently selected
Select an existing stack
template from the drop-down list.
Select Assign.
The assigned template now displays in the Policy column. To
make any changes to the individual devices in the stack at the device level, see
Configure Device-Specific Settings.